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*” anger obligatoriska fält

Valfritt (för eventuella svar eller kompletteringar)
Tekniska frågor och medlemsfrågor mailas direkt till info@posturalyoga.com.
Detta fält används för valideringsändamål och ska lämnas oförändrat.

Can I combine Postural Yoga with other sort of training or treatments?

Absolutely, you can and should combine Postural Yoga with anything else that makes you feel good or better. A combination can often give better results than only doing Postural Yoga or only doing physical therapy or only getting massage for example. The most important thing is that you find your own puzzle pieces that makes you feel better, because together, the puzzel pieces will give you the greatest healing.

If, on the other hand, you experience pain during or within 2 days of any activity, I recommend that you start with only doing Postural Yoga so that your body learns how to work correctly. I recommend skipping any activity as long as you experience pain. This because pain will shut down your posture system and decrease the speed of healing.