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*” anger obligatoriska fält

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What do I do if I experience more pain or discomfort?


If you get more pain it means, in most cases, that you are compensating (using the wrong muscles) which increases pain and stiffness.

This is completely normal in the beginning (when you do not know how to do the exercises), especially if you have a lot of imbalances. Most of the time, the body will find its way if you give it time. A common mistake, however, that almost everyone makes, is that you do the exercises too hard and too quickly (which leads to compensation).


Do the class 2 more times and focus on:

  • Do the exercises calmly and relaxed, in sync with your breath.
  • Only use 10% of the strength – so that your body gets a chance to find its way.
  • Try to do the exercises in a way you don’t experience any pain.

Note if you now can feel any positive changes.

Keep in mind that changes can manifest in many different ways.

  • Better posture
  • Feeling of lightness
  • Reduced pain
  • Sleeping better
  • Waking up less stiff
  • Breathing easier / freer
  • Feeling calmer
  • Stronger
  • Having better mobility
  • Increased stability
  • More energy
  • Moving easier/better

Du you still experience pain? If so, either skip that exercise or move on to the next class.